Instead of using this as a photo dumping catch all as I originally intended, I considered possibly actually posting.
All of October and these first couple weeks of Novebmer have been insane. I have not had 1 weekend yet completely at home. Between an fx makeup job in columbus and a craft show - I have kept really busy. To be honest, I kinda feel like I'm losing my mind. Although, for me that is no new thing. :) Fall is my favorite season and it's almost over - which makes me sad!
I saw Skyfall last night, it was really good. I am a big fan of the bond movies, of action movies in general really. I like Daniel Craig, I think hes a good actor and hes hot. I will always know him as Alex West though, from Tomb Raider, where I first saw him. My other boyfriend, Gerard Butler was in Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life. If you didn't know I have always loved Tomb Raider (the game, the character, the movie, the actress). Everything about it. I secretly want to be Lara Croft and I love Angelina Jolie in all things, but she looked her hottest in Tomb Raider.
I think I will actually make good on my idea to turn the teal spare bedroom into my craft room. I would like a place to make all my hair flowers without the kitties knocking everything everywhere and sitting all over my felt. Plus, I have completely destroyed the dining room crafting in here the last month or so.
Time to crank up my I Heart Radio station and make myself a craft room!
Interesting. Sounds like a recommendation to see Skyfall.
ReplyDeleteNot too huge of a TR fan, myself, but I did happen to catch the first one in the theater and thought it was good.
What type of fx makeup?
Definately you should see skyfall! Oh any fx makeup :) Ill post about it.
ReplyDeleteWill have to get out and see it. Will def read the post on the fx makeup. Not too much into like Avon crap, but the whole fx side of it is pretty crazy. Watched a few docu's about the latex and prosthetics and it's just freaky what you guys can do before you have to resort to that.