Instead of using this as a photo dumping catch all as I originally intended, I considered possibly actually posting.
All of October and these first couple weeks of Novebmer have been insane. I have not had 1 weekend yet completely at home. Between an fx makeup job in columbus and a craft show - I have kept really busy. To be honest, I kinda feel like I'm losing my mind. Although, for me that is no new thing. :) Fall is my favorite season and it's almost over - which makes me sad!
I saw Skyfall last night, it was really good. I am a big fan of the bond movies, of action movies in general really. I like Daniel Craig, I think hes a good actor and hes hot. I will always know him as Alex West though, from Tomb Raider, where I first saw him. My other boyfriend, Gerard Butler was in Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life. If you didn't know I have always loved Tomb Raider (the game, the character, the movie, the actress). Everything about it. I secretly want to be Lara Croft and I love Angelina Jolie in all things, but she looked her hottest in Tomb Raider.
I think I will actually make good on my idea to turn the teal spare bedroom into my craft room. I would like a place to make all my hair flowers without the kitties knocking everything everywhere and sitting all over my felt. Plus, I have completely destroyed the dining room crafting in here the last month or so.
Time to crank up my I Heart Radio station and make myself a craft room!