Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fall Insanity

Instead of using this as a photo dumping catch all as I originally intended, I considered possibly actually posting.

All of October and these first couple weeks of Novebmer have been insane. I have not had 1 weekend yet completely at home. Between an fx makeup job in columbus and a craft show  - I have kept really busy. To be honest, I kinda feel like I'm losing my mind. Although, for me that is no new thing. :) Fall is my favorite season and it's almost over - which makes me sad!

I saw Skyfall last night, it was really good. I am a big fan of the bond movies, of action movies in general really. I like Daniel Craig, I think hes a good actor and hes hot. I will always know him as Alex West though, from Tomb Raider, where I first saw him. My other boyfriend, Gerard Butler was in Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life. If you didn't know I have always loved Tomb Raider (the game, the character, the movie, the actress). Everything about it. I secretly want to be Lara Croft and I love Angelina Jolie in all things, but she looked her hottest in Tomb Raider.

I think I will actually make good on my idea to turn the teal spare bedroom into my craft room. I would like a place to make all my hair flowers without the kitties knocking everything everywhere and sitting all over my felt. Plus, I have completely destroyed the dining room crafting in here the last month or so.

Time to crank up my I Heart Radio station and make myself a craft room!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Exploration - Chippewa Lake Amusement Park!

One of my all time favorite things to do is explore and wander about interesting places. Sometimes I just stop when I see something that catches my eye and other times I plan specifically to go somewhere. My favorite places to explore are defunct and abandoned amusement parks. There is something so sad and yet so magical about them. 

2 weeks ago I was in Cleveland and decided to try my luck at finding the Chippewa Lake amusement park (closed in 1969) in Chippewa Lake, Ohio. I found it, and I only wish I had found it a few hours sooner since I lost light really fast. But it was truly awesome. 

Please Note: If you plan on exploring something - take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints. Don't steal or deface shit and do not litter. These magical places get destroyed (sometimes people even set fire to them). I am also fairly certain I am supposed to throw in something about not breaking and entering and following do not trespass signs. 

The first thing I found was this overturned busted car...

With some rather random/creepy graf on the side:

This very small green and white building was at the front gates:

Then I found this:

Super amazing burnt/twisted/mangled roller coaster

Check out the twists in this: 

Then I found the remains of a few different buildings throughout the park, burnt down by some jerk:

There was a truck on the property randomly, this is what was in the bed:

This dock was inside the grounds at the back of the park over Lake Chippewa. Can you see the tons of seagulls?

Can you tell what this is?

It's a ferris wheel!!!

With a tree growing up the middle!

I couldn't tell if these 2 yellow cars were bumper cars or coaster cars. The one you can see the front of, there is a serious bumper on that thing.

Found some teacup/kiddie type rides:

I'll leave you with this one, simply gorgeous!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to My Corner! First Ever Post!

:O My first ever blog post! yay!

I'm Cortnie, welcome to my little corner of the world.

I decided to start blogging to jot down randomness thoughts as they come in, display some tutorials, crafty diy projects, baking sprees, and further babbling. As I have never done this before, I have no idea what I am doing... please excuse the blondeness!

I wanted to do teal colored text, but too hard to read. Was gonna do dark blue but is that annoying to look at? No idea. Also, wtb better fonts - some with a lil character to them!

About me short version - I am a girl that lives in Toledo, Ohio. I own a few businesses (a private esthetic practice - spa, and an alternative mobile party company). I am one of those people who's brain's are constantly running ... all the time! I love video games (wow, cod, tomb raider, bioshock, etc)! <3 them! I don't have tv (haven't in ever - gaming is better, but I do watch a few things online). I <3 Bleach and watch it while doing other things - like my random crafting sprees. I also like using a <3 symbol - deal with it, you will see it alot.

I have been on a WOW break for a few weeks... not happy with new patch and not excited about mop! Stop gearing the game to new people... what about those of us who have played for years? >< Stupid talent trees and they ruined my priest completely and her ability to be a utility healer for RBGS!!! Grrrr... Anyway, since I have more free time I have been busy (I have to be constantly doing something).

I just opened an Etsy shop today with my handmade hair accessories. Flowers, of course! Super cute and fun! I was wearing 2 of my red felt flowers on bobby pins on the back of my black high heels to a wedding less than 2 weeks ago and someone said "you should really sell those on Etsy!" Hmmm... why not? Simple and fun crafting keeps my fingers busy. Best when done while watching a Bleach episode!

Here is a really cute one <3 It is a Red & Black Rose Flower made of Ric Rac and Lace!

Isn't it soooo cute! I love it <3

I will stop there for now, I don't want to bore everyone! (I also like to use ! )