Thursday, June 20, 2013

Exploring Abandoned Detroit - Lee Plaza Hotel

The last stop on the trip around abandoned Detroit last Friday was the Lee Plaza Hotel. It was very cool! My little camera thing died on the 10th floor. So everything from there up was just some stills.

Video of exploration:

There was one spot in the fence to get in, no cutting required and a small opening into the hotel. There were small little tiles all over the wall right where we went in. They were beautiful, a few shimmery copper/gold painted tiles were scattered throughout the hallway. You can see it a little in the beginning of the video.

Through the hallway, to the right of the base of the stairs was a huge and beautiful room that appeared to be a lobby type area. There were remnants of a piano in the room. The detailing was stunning. I would have loved to have seen it in the 20s when it was built.

Also on the first floor was several smaller office type rooms. There was one room that was so pretty. I called it the Gold Room because of the ceiling. There was little cupids on donkeys engraved in the ceiling. There was plaster detailing down the walls.

The bottom of the elevator shaft looked so neat from the first floor:

We explored some of the rooms and climbed to about the 10th floor to explore some more. The view from the 10th floor:

After my video died, we made the climb up to the very top floor. Which was clearly not for guests but only for staff. The remains of the electrical panel was there.Then 1 more flight of stairs and out onto the roof top, I was surprised and delighted to see trees growing on the roof!

Across the roof and into the other side we found the inside of a roof peak:


In the small cement room was the top of the elevator shaft and the elevator pulley.

 At the sides of the roof were some great views:

Downtown Detroit:

Beautiful and amazing! I love exploring. Where should I go exploring next?

<3 Cortnie

Exploring Abandoned Detroit - Brush Park Apartments

After our journey through the Brush Park Police Crime Lab, I spotted apartments right behind it. Seemed definitely worth a quick look. There was also another abandoned building beside the apartment complex that had some really nice architectural details. There was a gentleman sorting bottles in the doorway of that building so we did not disturb him.

The apartments were destroyed, nothing left. Not too much to look at but interesting still the same. I wonder how long the small 2 story apartments have been abandoned. Really short exploration video:

Here are a couple of stills:

Between the Crime Lab & the Apts:

View of Ford Field from between the Crime Lab & the Apts:

Bathroom Remains:

 Destroyed Window Sill:

 Window Sill:

 Building across the street:

The next stop was theeh Lee Plaza Hotel!

<3 Cortnie

Monday, June 17, 2013

Exploring Abandoned Detroit - Brush Park Police Crime Lab!

It has been a minute! More exploring.. only this time up in Detroit. Detroit is easy to explore because every other building/house/place is abandoned. Sad, but true. On Friday, I visited the Brush Park area of Detroit with an exploring buddy to check out the abandoned Police Crime Lab and the apts behind it. We then headed over to the Leah Plaza Hotel to check it out.

Brush Park Police Crime Lab
Used to be an elementary school and in 1987 was decommissioned and turned into a police crime lab. It remained open until 2008 when it was closed as a crime lab, but continued to be used as a stop point/holding area for evidence. Officers would tag and bag things, and eventually they would get vanned over to the Beaubian St downtown police station. I got this info from the following article:

Brush Park has so many abandoned beautiful mansions as well as this school turned crime lab. It has been heavily looted and is in crappy condition for being abandoned for a very short amount of time. There is nothing left in it to strip and the large amount of open walls/windows and entry points left a lot of room for weather to come in. The floor is buckled and rolled in all the classrooms.

I took a buddy with me and it was his first time exploring ever, so he was a little nervous.

We walked from downtown, it is just across one of the bridges that run over 75. The front of the building still has a fence with razor wire on the top. You can easily enter from either side, or through the back, no climbing or clipping needed.

We entered the side door, it was open. We found some military food MREs and some shot shells in the corner of that area in what used to be some sort of small kitchen storage.

We then moved into the office where there was a large safe (which was empty). After inspecting some rooms downstairs and the lockers in the hall we found a bum sleeping in a box in one room. My exploring buddy freaked out a lil (remember it was his first time). 

I led the way with my lil tactical flashlight and blog video camera thing. He said he felt less manly having me go first (but did not volunteer). :)  

On the stairs were a lot of cds (not very old ones either). The view from the landing between floors 1 and 2 was cool, you could see downtown detroit. The upstairs hallway was very dark and littered with lots of broken test tube vials. 

The lab was very interesting. There were 2 very large specimen storage things with sliding doors. Lots of storage cupboards and countertops like you would find in a kitchen.

An office room upstairs had labels like "property release" and "case files." In one room we found a ladder up to the roof. The view of downtown, the lions stadium, and the tigers stadium was awesome. The blacktop was hot as heck.

There was a police seal painted on the second floor hallway, hard to read as it was covered by graffiti. 

Back downstairs we entered a completely destroyed room that appeared to be the front entry point. Found an old chalkboard and signed my name. :)

As my exploring buddy stepped outside to pee, I wandered down the hall and went through a door to the auditorium. Which was stupid, because he panicked when he couldn't find me. I filmed inside the auditorium and the still in tact stage curtains (when everything else was gone - they were still up). After a few minutes, I wandered back to the front to find him looking for me scared. He pulled his knife, thinking someone had taken off with me, which I found hilarious. Don't be stupid like me and tell your buddy where you are wandering to!

A few pics:

Section completely crumbled.

Downtown and crumbled section from roof.

Downtown from roof.

Tigers stadium from roof.


Door in front reception area.

Newspaper on floor, dated 1987.

Crazy fun, love exploring abandoned places! I will do a separate post on the 2 other places explored the same day.

< 3 Cortnie

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fall Insanity

Instead of using this as a photo dumping catch all as I originally intended, I considered possibly actually posting.

All of October and these first couple weeks of Novebmer have been insane. I have not had 1 weekend yet completely at home. Between an fx makeup job in columbus and a craft show  - I have kept really busy. To be honest, I kinda feel like I'm losing my mind. Although, for me that is no new thing. :) Fall is my favorite season and it's almost over - which makes me sad!

I saw Skyfall last night, it was really good. I am a big fan of the bond movies, of action movies in general really. I like Daniel Craig, I think hes a good actor and hes hot. I will always know him as Alex West though, from Tomb Raider, where I first saw him. My other boyfriend, Gerard Butler was in Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life. If you didn't know I have always loved Tomb Raider (the game, the character, the movie, the actress). Everything about it. I secretly want to be Lara Croft and I love Angelina Jolie in all things, but she looked her hottest in Tomb Raider.

I think I will actually make good on my idea to turn the teal spare bedroom into my craft room. I would like a place to make all my hair flowers without the kitties knocking everything everywhere and sitting all over my felt. Plus, I have completely destroyed the dining room crafting in here the last month or so.

Time to crank up my I Heart Radio station and make myself a craft room!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Exploration - Chippewa Lake Amusement Park!

One of my all time favorite things to do is explore and wander about interesting places. Sometimes I just stop when I see something that catches my eye and other times I plan specifically to go somewhere. My favorite places to explore are defunct and abandoned amusement parks. There is something so sad and yet so magical about them. 

2 weeks ago I was in Cleveland and decided to try my luck at finding the Chippewa Lake amusement park (closed in 1969) in Chippewa Lake, Ohio. I found it, and I only wish I had found it a few hours sooner since I lost light really fast. But it was truly awesome. 

Please Note: If you plan on exploring something - take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints. Don't steal or deface shit and do not litter. These magical places get destroyed (sometimes people even set fire to them). I am also fairly certain I am supposed to throw in something about not breaking and entering and following do not trespass signs. 

The first thing I found was this overturned busted car...

With some rather random/creepy graf on the side:

This very small green and white building was at the front gates:

Then I found this:

Super amazing burnt/twisted/mangled roller coaster

Check out the twists in this: 

Then I found the remains of a few different buildings throughout the park, burnt down by some jerk:

There was a truck on the property randomly, this is what was in the bed:

This dock was inside the grounds at the back of the park over Lake Chippewa. Can you see the tons of seagulls?

Can you tell what this is?

It's a ferris wheel!!!

With a tree growing up the middle!

I couldn't tell if these 2 yellow cars were bumper cars or coaster cars. The one you can see the front of, there is a serious bumper on that thing.

Found some teacup/kiddie type rides:

I'll leave you with this one, simply gorgeous!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to My Corner! First Ever Post!

:O My first ever blog post! yay!

I'm Cortnie, welcome to my little corner of the world.

I decided to start blogging to jot down randomness thoughts as they come in, display some tutorials, crafty diy projects, baking sprees, and further babbling. As I have never done this before, I have no idea what I am doing... please excuse the blondeness!

I wanted to do teal colored text, but too hard to read. Was gonna do dark blue but is that annoying to look at? No idea. Also, wtb better fonts - some with a lil character to them!

About me short version - I am a girl that lives in Toledo, Ohio. I own a few businesses (a private esthetic practice - spa, and an alternative mobile party company). I am one of those people who's brain's are constantly running ... all the time! I love video games (wow, cod, tomb raider, bioshock, etc)! <3 them! I don't have tv (haven't in ever - gaming is better, but I do watch a few things online). I <3 Bleach and watch it while doing other things - like my random crafting sprees. I also like using a <3 symbol - deal with it, you will see it alot.

I have been on a WOW break for a few weeks... not happy with new patch and not excited about mop! Stop gearing the game to new people... what about those of us who have played for years? >< Stupid talent trees and they ruined my priest completely and her ability to be a utility healer for RBGS!!! Grrrr... Anyway, since I have more free time I have been busy (I have to be constantly doing something).

I just opened an Etsy shop today with my handmade hair accessories. Flowers, of course! Super cute and fun! I was wearing 2 of my red felt flowers on bobby pins on the back of my black high heels to a wedding less than 2 weeks ago and someone said "you should really sell those on Etsy!" Hmmm... why not? Simple and fun crafting keeps my fingers busy. Best when done while watching a Bleach episode!

Here is a really cute one <3 It is a Red & Black Rose Flower made of Ric Rac and Lace!

Isn't it soooo cute! I love it <3

I will stop there for now, I don't want to bore everyone! (I also like to use ! )